Holly Duthie

Senior Consultant, Touchpoints Consulting & Communications

Holly’s career has spanned North America, UK, Asia and the Middle East. She has held several senior client-side marketing positions including global Marketing Director of EMAAR Properties and General Manager, Marketing of Al Futtaim Group Real Estate (AFGRE). Responsible for the strategic planning and overall implementation of marketing for EMAAR’s UAE and international projects and CRM, Holly was also the Corporate Sponsor of the Customer Loyalty Project. During her time at AFGRE, Holly worked across departments to bring the Festival City brand to life as a destination, pre-launch Festival City Doha and improve CRM and the customer journey. Holly has successfully taken multiple products and projects to launch. Now a core member of the Touchpoints team, Holly has been a client-facing consultant to domestic and international Real Estate Groups, using her expertise to develop their CRM and Communications Strategies and their implementation.

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